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Elefantenmarsch id: 1043932512 Schafherde in Australien id: 332656242 Photo of flock of sheep at foot of mountain id: 281993207 African elephants (Loxodonta africana) at the waterhole - Namibia Africa id: 334543414 vaca quinta, produção carne natureza, mamífero id: 626640130 Iconic wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia id: 226270202 troupeau de bœufs dans le Massif Central en France id: 263396621 Sheep grazing in field next to large rock formation, nature travel landscape with animals and scenic view id: 911545780 Image of camels in Kazakhstan steppes id: 133381405 Flock of sheep resting on a field. Photo taken in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain id: 733042819 herd of white cows with big horns walking in the evening id: 393089244 Elephants walking in the Masai Mara id: 189745962 African wilde life. Kenya. id: 510173126 herd of sheep id: 485244859 Flock of sheep grazing in a hill with Jerusalem City at the background. id: 432716030 Grazing sheeps in a plain grassland id: 130121112
Lonely elephant on tree id: 269870413 family of elephants id: 162286240 Elephant on sunset id: 222922489 elephant and sunset id: 122081881 sfondo di elefante id: 51170548 Two elephants playing with each other. Zambia. Lower Zambezi National Park. Zambezi River. id: 102765507 Elephant feeding feeding tree branch. Elephant at Mana Pools NP, Zimbabwe in Africa. Big animal in the old forest. evening light, sun set. Magic wildlife scene in nature. id: 303845906 Elephants at sunrise in Amboseli, Horizonal Banner id: 259372862 Elephant at Mana Pools NP, Zimbabwe in Africa. Big animal in the old forest. evening light, sun set. Magic wildlife scene in nature. African elephant in beautiful habitat. Sunset in Africa. id: 303846372 Close up view of elephant eating plants id: 280628938 A male Asian elephant is enjoying bathing. id: 322459285 Elephant on savanna landscape background and Mount Kilimanjaro at sunset id: 283486952 Herd of african elephants taken on a safari trip to Kenya with a snow capped Kilimanjaro mountain in Tanzania in the background, under a cloudy blue skies. id: 164380843 Elephant bull walking in the Kruger National Park in the green season in South Africa id: 377291175 African elephants isolated on white id: 81022458 Elephant(s) in Uganda at the river of NP Queen Elizabeth id: 202945669 elephants in front of kilimanjaro id: 316867599 Panorama of a family herd of elephants walking across the African Plains in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa id: 241038149