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Woestijnsteenuil, Cucumiau, Athene noctua saharae id: 404815459 Little owl (Athene noctua) sitting on a stone and looks forward id: 226824659 The little owl (Athene noctua) with his chick standing on a stone id: 218619800 Little owl ( Athene noctua ) close up id: 553579342 Little owl in the Netherlands id: 218133369 Little owl, Athene noctua, id: 53290483 Burrowing owl with prey watching at camera (Athene cunicularia), Cape Coral, Florida id: 169295924 Little owl (Athene noctua) sitting on a branch in the meadows in the Netherlands with a green background id: 422262939 great horned owl in flight id: 358432822 Young Little owl, Athene noctua, stands on a stick on a beautiful background id: 302947537 Little owl Athene noctua stands on a stone with her paw raise id: 379581277 European owlet posing with unfocused spring background id: 353106398 Burrowing Owl id: 440325226 Burrowing owl id: 440368621
Eurasian eagle owl with a black background id: 309422651 common barn owl ( Tyto albahead ) close up id: 103314840 Isolated on black background, Eagle owl, Bubo bubo, giant owl flying directly at camera with fully outstretched wings. Owl with bright orange eyes. Nocturnal bird of prey in back light. id: 188977274 flying eagle owl id: 130792049 great horned owl id: 230160933 Snowy owl in flight id: 297127385 Bird, Owl, Three Spotted owlet (Athene brama) in tree hollow,Bird of Thailand id: 135773349 Little owl on tree id: 136323211 Black and white portrait owl with big yellow eyes id: 188429466 Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) flying over a field in Gloucestershire (trained bird) id: 237234350 The little owl (Athene noctua) with his chick standing on a stone id: 217590585 Ural Owl, Strix uralensis, sitting on tree branch, at orange leaves oak forest, Sweden id: 102586004 wild owl sitting in dark on wooden branch isolated on black with copy space id: 302946444 Beautiful eagle owl on tree against grey background. Predatory bird id: 389107654 owl and full moon halloween abstract background id: 71900333 buho mirando a camara id: 460385273 Athene cunicularia - Burrowing Owl id: 431414094 Caligo memnon, Mariposa buho id: 530390529